Full Collection Services


Our Full Collection Program involves the services of highly trained, professional collectors whose skills have been honed to the point where a high percentage of accounts are paid on the first contact. Our call pattern is time tested and when combined with a professional approach, separates the slow-payers (accounts that require motivation) from the non-payers (accounts that may require legal action), without alienating the debtor.

Through years of experience, our collectors have acquired significant investigative and analytical skills, enabling them to uncover pertinent financial information required to assess the feasibility of legal action. The information obtained also enables us to bring the file to a logical conclusion expeditiously and at the lowest possible cost.

In addition, Credifax reports all debts to Canada's two credit bureau reporting agencies. Equifax and TransUnion have secured millions of bits of information on millions of Canadian subjects. Although the credit bureaus obtain information from similar sources, it is important to note that not all agencies, banks, or credit card companies report to both.

The benefits of these relationships are immeasurable to Credifax and in turn, to you, our valued client. These affiliations allow Credifax access to powerful informational credit tools and resources, through various sites and reports. It also enables Credifax to report your delinquent, charged off accounts, balances and histories, to both credit bureaus. This is a powerful collection tool, providing additional leverage to maximize recovery, as well as a service to other credit grantors that may be considering doing business with your customer. This feature is just one of the many tremendous assets available to you for every account placed with Credifax.

Pricing for the full collection program is based on a percentage of recovery of an account (dollars paid and/or are goods returned). The average commission rate paid by clients is approximately 15% of the dollars recovered however, actual rates will vary based on the type of the account -- commercial or consumer. Inherently, consumer debts tend to be more difficult to collect, as consumers have fewer liquid assets and fixed financial resources. Consequently, contingency commission rates are higher than equivalent commercial rate structure. In addition, outstanding balances on consumer accounts tend to be smaller, yet still require the same amount of effort to recover delinquent balances.

Contact a CREDIFAX representative for more information about these services.

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